Primus Inter Pares Update: Actions Speak Louder—Our Behavior as the Embodiment of Our Values

Dear Esteemed Members of the Fledge Community,

You may notice that the title of this update has undergone a significant change. Instead of addressing you as the CEO, I now write to you as ‘Primus Inter Pares,’ which translates from Latin to ‘First Among Equals.’ This title holds special significance, often attributed to the first bird in a flying V formation. Just as the leading bird in the formation works in harmony with its flock, providing a path while also drawing strength from the collective, so do I strive to foster a culture of equality and mutual growth within our vibrant community. Additionally, it captures the spirit of dynamic leadership—when I am tired or not the most suited for leadership at a given moment, I will step back to allow another to lead. We all take turns in leadership roles, recognizing that our collective strength lies in the diversity of our talents and wisdom.

Now, let us turn our focus to the intrinsic core of our organization—the underlying values and culture that define who we are and what we aspire to become.

Tribal Knowledge: Our Living Archive

We often speak of ‘tribal knowledge,’ the unwritten, intangible ethos and expertise passed down within our community. It’s this treasure trove of wisdom that transforms ideas into innovations, aspirations into realities. At the Fledge, this knowledge is not hoarded but shared generously, fortifying our mission to be radically inclusive and perpetually impactful.

Living Our Values: A Behavior-First Approach

Stephen Covey, in his seminal work “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People,” wisely asserts, “You cannot talk your way out of a problem you’ve behaved your way into.” This phrase resonates profoundly with us at the Fledge. It is our belief that the true spirit of an organization emanates not from its spoken words, but from the collective actions of its community.

Through our Social Housing Experiment, our Music Studio, our Youth Entrepreneurial Program, and our environmental initiatives, we are setting live examples of our values. We’re not just talking about eliminating poverty or fostering talent; we’re actively engaged in making these dreams come true.

The Power of Action: A Community Effort

Our actions reverberate through the community. Every repaired home, every nurtured talent, every addressed need—each of these endeavors is a testament to our values of compassion, inclusivity, and ingenuity. But the beauty of it all lies in its collective nature; the community’s active participation amplifies these actions into transformative change.

As we continue to grow, we aspire for the actions of each Fledge member to serve as a potent communicator, speaking volumes more than any spoken word ever could. Our values are not merely ink on paper; they are the choices we make, the initiatives we launch, the lives we touch.

So, let us all take this moment to reflect on the impact of our actions, and recommit ourselves to behaving in a manner that truly honors our shared values. If you would like to support our efforts financially, you can donate here.

With Warm Regards,
Jerry, Primus Inter Pares