How We Advocate

We had always said that Poverty was a Policy decision, but never truly understood it until we started paying attention to the local government. We watched their short sighted decisions have lasting impact on equity, equality, opportunity, health issues, gun violence and many more things that represent the war on the poor. So now we are sure to include advocating and activism around all of the beliefs and values that guide us.

  • Foundation Tshirt


The Peoples Council of Lansing

Justice 40 Initiative

  1. Decrease energy burden in disadvantaged communities (DACs).
  2. Decrease environmental exposure and burdens for DACs
  3. Increase parity in clean energy technology (e.g., solar, storage) access and adoption in DACs.
  4. Increase access to low-cost capital in DACs.
  5. Increase clean energy enterprise creation and contracting (MBE/DBE) in DACs.
  6. Increase clean energy jobs, job pipeline, and job training for individuals from DACs.
  7. Increase energy resiliency in DACs.
  8. Increase energy democracy in DACs.

EPA Mapping

Disadvantaged Communities Map: 

EGLE MiEJ Screen: