Sunshine Accelerator

This is a struggling program, but when running is an effective program. The struggle center around lack of funding for the Fledge, but also for the participating entrepreneurs. The fact that most of them live below the ALICE threshold makes participation hard without any funding to give to them.

This program is run by the Fledge.

What is it?

An accelerator for early-stage start-ups with a focus on Business Model Canvas and Financial Disciplines (Profit and Loss, Statement of Cash Flow, Balance Sheet). The mission is to increase revenue and funding for the entrepreneurs.

How do we measure success?

MeasureAnnual GoalComment
# of Cohorts4 
# of Members40 
Follow-on Funding$50,000 
Jobs Created10 

What are our results so far?

# of Cohorts    
# of Members    
Follow-on Funding    
Jobs Created    

What is our Budget?

What is our Budget?

ItemAmount – weekly12 Month CostComment
Space Rental$100$5000Tables, chairs, refreshments, set-up, sound system, electrical
Facilitator$100$5000$25 per hour
Advertisement$50$2500Social media
Funding for Cohorts$1000$50,000 