This will be renamed to RISE soon!

The Fledge has been involved in promoting and creating renewable energy since our beginning. We have done solar installations, built a solar trailer and even built our own batteries with the help of the Michigan Mosaic Energy Co-op. We have had workshops to build our own solar panels.

We are now formalizing this program. We are dedicated to bringing our large and diverse community to the renewable energy movement. Our goals are simple:
Install solar panels on the Fledge and two other locations to be determined
Install a car charging station
Generate revenue / energy savings to reinvest in more solar installations
Do these installations as community projects to pass the skills to others
Build at least 50 batteries
Help deploy 3 electric vehicles including one car
Create at least two business related to renewable energy
Help 20 people find jobs in renewable energy
Help two business add solar installation to their services
Our plan to implement these efforts involves many different categories (e.g. education, solar installations, battery building to urban farming). The program is a Project Based Learning and Innovation program for the Fledge community. This means we will be involving unrepresented communities in the renewable effort. We will install solar panels and teach our community all the aspects of this effort as we accomplish the project. Check out our video here:
If you would like more information or have some leads on potential funding, please contact
Please consider donating here:
Besides the projects specifically outlined hear, we will also have many opportunities for the community to give their input. We would love to figure out a way to put solar on every house in Lansing. The proposals, feedback, and governance will be handled by the Fledge DAO. A DAO is a Decentralized Autonomous Organization. Basically we are a co-op using blockchain and smart contract technology. You can read more about that here: The Fledge DAO
Below is a basic review of what we are trying to do and what money we need to make this all work. We believe with the current climate crisis and the future of electrification (including the GM battery plant) will require a lot of people to build companies, work for the companies, and be convinced the renewable is good for us all.
Our rabbit mining effort over the winter allowed us to reduce our gas bill by 1/3 and while it did increase our electric bill the increase was less than the reduction. We also were able to mine Litecoin profitably for a few months. This effort (part of the DAO) generated $600 for our HIRED effort.
Solar Trailer – need funding to finish:$1200

Rooftop Panels – first trial planned: July 18, 2022
Rooftop Panels – full solution – need funding to start: $28,000
Car charging station – need to install and a few supplies: $500
Get an electric vehicle – looking to raise $4000 to get us started with a used prius or something.
Team up with Michigan Mosaic Energy Cooperative to continue battery building workshops.
Pair with other classes, e.g. safety, electical engineering, etc. to further knowledge and education. Volunteers and Organizations needed.

Help start 2 business related to renewable
Previous Success: Red Bike Delivery
Help 2 businesses add renewable options to their business model
Urban Farming
Fledge property: planting is complete and harvesting is starting, we expanded our perfaculture foot print this year
Aquaponics education system: implemented and in troubleshooting phase!
Riley Street: need volunteers and funding: $1000 (fruit trees, bushes, vines, etc.)
Carbon Foot Print Reduction
Improve heating costs: need to replace the roof: $30,000
Previous Success: Rabbit Mining
Improve cooling costs: need to replace the roof, same funding as above
Improve electric usage: Solar array, smart plugs and lights, more automation
Previous Success: 75% of the Fledge is currently controlled with smart technology
Encourage biking and walking: Bike rack installed, need to start our weekly walking campaign again.
Encourage Public Transportation Usage: part of urban scouts, need partial funding: $3000
Note: Urban scouts will teach kids how to use public transportation