99 Problems but a Pitch Ain’t One (competition)

A weekly pitch competition, open to everyone in the world, and free to everyone in the world. Each presenter has 99 seconds to pitch whatever they want to a crowd who will vote. The top vote getter will receive $99.

Where is it held?

99 Problems is a hybrid-pitch competition. Competitors can come on site or are provided a virtual link to present online. It is also broadcasted live so that the crowd can question, comment, and vote.

Who can participate?

Anyone in the world.

What types of ideas, projects, products, or serv ices?

There are no rules regarding this.

What stage must the company be in?

Any stage from an idea to a mature business.

Why is it important?

We start with a few beliefs:

  1. Anyone can be an entrepreneur with three key things: small amount of funding, some training, and a connection to a marketplace
  2. Genius is lost in poverty
  3. Charity is temporary, investment in our community is long lasting
  4. Entrepreneurs solve the social problems in a way that creates sustainability

What have we done so far?

We had our first 99 Problems but a Pitch Ain’t One at the beginning of May 2020, 10 months. That is 42 pitch competitions. $4,266 given away. 231 presenters. 16,000 views on YouTube and 40,000 engagements on Facebook.

How is it funded?

We currently have received some sponsorship, but for most of the pitch competitions, they have been funded by the Fledge and the Founder of the Fledge.

How can I sponsor?

We depend mostly on community members and small start-ups for our funding.



Per ShowAnnualNotes
Sponsors$200$10,000Not every event is sponsored, but that is the goal
Donations$100$5,000Amounts raised over the sponsorship levels will be used to enhance the prizes or the technology
Timer$25$1250The person behind the scenes
Technology$26$1250Streamyard, Survey Monkey, HubSpot
99 Problems but a Pitch Ain’t One – Budget


202020212022With Funding
# of Events425028 To date50
# of Participants  231312115500
Prizes Awarded$4,200$5,000$2,800$5,000
Hatching Winners1222
Follow-on Funding    
99 Problems but a Pitch Ain’t One – Results

Part of the new funding would be used to ensure that all workers for the events are paid, prize money is stable and available, improve technology to better track measures

What are our next steps?

To Watch and Vote

Follow us on Facebook: https://facebook.com/thefledge

Twitter: https://twitter.com/@glfledge

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWE9HtvqN44ZX–fHR7cFEA

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/fledgejerry

Sponsorship Opportunities

  • Any amount will give you some level of exposure during the event
  • Total Cost for the Event is $139 for prize money and paying the technical staff
  • We also would like to help cover some operational costs so we put another $61
  • Making it an event $200 to cover one weekly 99 problems but a Pitch Ain’t One

Contact Jerry Norris at [email protected] for sponsorship questions

YouTube Playlist of past shows: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlT6Vn2m14xFqcF5aHdXcT5WbXB1nrzxi