Fledge Coin (FLDG)

What is Fledge Coin (FLDG)?

Fledge Coin is a digital community currency produced by the Fledge on the Stella Lumens Network. There are ways to earn FLDG by completing quests (Bounties), Volunteering, participating in shows and meetings, and selling your products or services on the market place. There are many uses of FLDG including setting quests for projects you want done to shopping for products and services on the market place.

What is thefledge.community?

The Fledge Community is a site for the community to post items of interest, form and join groups to implement programs and projects, to earn FLDG and to use FLDG through the market place and gratuity to others.

Sign up here: https://thefledge.community

What is the vision for FLDG?

To create a useful local currency to help build equity in the local community.

What values drive FLDG?

Do not hurt anyone

Do not allow predatory Algorithms, methods, or users. Keep the platform safe for all.

Stay transparent

Frequently Asked Questions

Is this like Bitcoin? The answer to this in two parts: technologically yes, it is similar – we use the block chain to keep the ledger safe and secure and decentralized; but when it comes to investment and speculation we do not have that purpose at this point (see vision above); this is not an investment tool, this is a way for us to track timebank type work and bartering that is happening already.